

Sharing the Peace of Christ 

Gloria Patri  (UMH 71)       

Call to Worship

Leader:  Come, let us worship the God who loves us.

People:  Open our hearts, Lord, and let us truly listen to your words.

Leader:  Thanks be to the God who is always near.

People:  We celebrate the God who hears us.

Leader:  Lift your voices in praise of our compassionate God.

All:         Blessed be the name of the Lord! 

Hymn Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (UMH 384)

Pastor’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer (UMH 895)

Children’s Message

Hymn  Jesus Loves Me  (UMH 191)

Scripture  Romans 13:8-14

Leader:  The word of God for the people of God.

People:  Thanks be to God.

Message  Love Your Enemy

Hymn  I Love to Tell the Story (UMH 156)

Prayer of Confession

Merciful Lord, we like to think that we do everything well, but you know us better than that. Forgive us for the times we have fallen short. Help us to show others the love and mercy you have shown us.  Amen. 

Giving Our Tithes and Offerings                                                                         

Doxology   (UMH 94)

Prayer of Thanksgiving 

O Lord, we rejoice with thankful hearts, that you have given us this beautiful world in which to work and play—a world full of your wisdom and majesty; we offer praise with deepest gratitude, that you have blessed us with your bounty. As we return a portion of your blessing to us, use these offerings and tokens of our devotion: to increase wisdom in the world, to protect the created order, to bless the vulnerable, to heal the sick, and to comfort the afflicted. Amen. 

Prayers of the People                                                                                             

Sacrament of Holy Communion
Confession and Pardon 
 (UMH 12)

The Great Thanksgiving                   

Sharing the Bread and Cup

Sending Forth Precious Lord, Take My Hand (UMH 474)

