Sharing the Peace of Christ
Gloria Patri (UMH 71)
Call to Worship
Leader: Loving God, you call us to worship you today.
People: O God, we remember.
Leader: We gather to celebrate those who have gone into your presence.
People: O God, we remember.
Leader: We are thankful that you have prepared a place for us to join you.
People: O God, we remember.
Hymn When We All Get to Heaven (UMH 701)
Pastor’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer (UMH 895)
Children’s Message
Hymn Abide with Me (UMH 700)
Scripture Revelation 7:9-17
Leader: The word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.
Message All Saints Day
Hymn Soon and Very Soon (UMH 706)
Prayer of Confession
Lord Jesus, I confess that I am so focused on the here and now that often I forget what is yet to come. I thank you for those who have gone before me. May I live out the joy of knowing that we will be together again. Amen.
Special Music I Can Only Imagine Randy Hitts
Giving Our Tithes and Offerings
Doxology (UMH 94)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving Father, we humbly dedicate these tithes and offerings to your use. Like the saints who have gone before us, we are comforted by the knowledge that you will multiply these gifts. Allow this money to become a resource that lifts the shadows of despair from the recesses of people’s lives. We recognize that only you can restore faith to the faithless, hope to the hopeless, and love to the loveless. May your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! Amen.
Prayers of the People
Sacrament of Holy Communion
The Great Thanksgiving (UMH 13)
Sharing the Bread and Cup
Sending Forth I’ll Fly Away (FWS 2282)