Prelude Ave Verum by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Noreen Wolcott, organist
Hymn Praise Ye the Lord words by Dillon Burns
Children’s Bells Blessed Assurance
Introduction Joe Ferris
Worship through Music Accompanied by Noreen Wolcott
Meine Seele hört im Sehen by George Frideric Handel
Katie Sucha, soprano & Lousia Laidlaw, flute
My soul
hears by sight,
how, in order
to exalt the Creator,
everything cheers,
everything laughs.
The blooming spring splendor
is the language of nature
which she speaks to us clearly
through her face everywhere
Pie Jesus by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Katie Sucha & Bailey Conger, sopranos
Merciful Jesus,
Father, who takes away the sins of the world
Grant them rest
Lamb of God
Father, who takes away the sins of the world
Grant them rest
Everlasting rest
Perhaps Love words and music by John Denver
Larry Wik & Dillon Burns, tenors
I’ll Fly Away by Albert E. Brumley
Webb Seegert & Family
Testimony Noreen Wolcott
God on the Mountain by Tracy Dartt
Joe Ferris, bass; Gregg Sucha, tenor; Nic Cooper, tenor
Giving Our Tithes and Offerings
Offertory Be Thou My Vision arr. by Gary Lanier
Louisa Laidlaw, flute
Prayer of Thanksgiving
What Child Is This arr. by L. Fleury
Louisa Laidlaw, flute
Hymn O Come All Ye Faithful (v. 1-3,6)
words and music by J. F. Wade
arr. by David Willcocks