Welcome Rev. Susan Hitts
Lighting the Advent Wreath Karter Hitts
Hymn Light the Advent Candle v.1-2 (FWS 2090)
Giving Our Tithes and Offerings
Offertory The Little Drummer Boy David Hitts & August Christensen
Offering Prayer
Opening Video: A Christmas Response
This Is Christmas
Introducing the Cantata Pastor Randy Hitts
Do You Hear?
O Come, O Come, Emanuel
From One Father To Another
Joseph’s Lullaby
Mary’s Prayer Elise Hitts
Breath of Heaven
The Meek Were Kneeling
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
The Arrival
A Baby Changes Everything
The True Gift of Christmas
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Seeking the Savior
Go Tell It on the Mountain