Prayer Tune: Old Hundredth
Be present at our table, Lord;
Be here and everywhere adored;
These mercies bless, and grant that we
May feast in fellowship with Thee.
Song of Preparation Come and Fill Our Hearts FWS 2157
The Preparation & Betrayal
Scripture Reading Matthew 26:17-25
Leader: We offer our hearts to the God who knows us,
who knit us together in our creation,
and who has made everything read for us.
People: God has prepared a place for us.
Leader: We carry the potential for betrayal,
but even this God knows before us
and still we are invited to rest at the table.
People: God has prepared a place for us.
Leader: We are gathered in God’s presence
when we gather with one another,
and we proclaim to one another
the forgiveness given in Christ’s name.
People: God has prepared a place for us.
Setting the Table Jesus,Remember Me UMH 488
The Last Supper
Scripture Reading Matthew 26:26-29
Leader: As Jesus looked to the coming kingdom of God,
so we join in the expectant waiting
which steadies us in turbulent times.
People: We wait for the kingdom of God.
Leader: To the Lord, a day is like a thousand years,
and a thousand years are like a day.
All things are given in their time.
People: We wait for the kingdom of God.
Leader: May the Holy Spirit unite us in love
to live in ministry to all the world,
until Christ comes again in final victory
and we feast at his heavenly banquet.
People: We wait for the kingdom of God.
Prayer of Institution
Sharing the Bread & Cup Eat this Bread UMH 628
The Journey Ahead
Scripture Reading Matthew 26:30-35
Leader: While we are confident in our abilities,
the path before us is hidden and harrowing,
and even the most faithful sometimes stumble.
People: We will follow Christ, who goes before us.
Leader: Yet Christ does not leave behind beloved children,
waiting for us at every point along the way,
and the One who is raised up lifts us up with him.
People: We will follow Christ, who goes before us.
Leader: Grant us the grace to follow in Christ’s ways,
the strength to carry one another’s griefs,
and endurance in times of challenge,
that nothing may sway us from serving in love.
People: We will follow Christ, who goes before us.
Sending OutLive in Charity FWS 2179
May Jesus Christ,
who for our sake became obedient unto death,
even death on a cross,
keep you and strengthen you
this night and forever.