UMH – United Methodist Hymnal
FWS – The Faith We Sing Hymnal
Sharing the Peace of Christ
Gloria Patri (UMH 71)
Call to Worship
Leader: Welcome! Open your hearts to God’s love today.
People: Praise God who has called us here.
Leader: May the Word of God offer healing and hope.
People: Praise be to God who continually blesses us!
Leader: Place your faith and trust in the Lord.
All: Our Lord is worthy to be praised! Amen.
Music Open Up the Heavens; Ancient Words
Children’s Message
Scripture Acts 17:16-23
Leader: The word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.
Message Epiphany Journeys: Athens
Music Thy Word
Prayer of Confession
Lord, the world abounds with your miracles of love and hope, yet we don’t always notice. Open our hearts to know that every good and perfect gift comes from you alone. Heal and restore our souls through your everlasting grace. Amen.
Giving Our Tithes and Offerings
Doxology (UMH 94)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
As you have received each one of us, O Lord, receive also these gifts that we offer to you that your love may be made known through ministries of peace, hope, and justice. Amen.
Prayers of the People
The Lord’s Prayer (UMH 895)
Music Breathe